Kamis, 10 September 2009

Michael Jackson Masuk Islam!

LONDON (Suaramedia) Legenda hidup pop dunia Michael Jackson dikabarkan telah memeluk agama Islam. Setelah melepas status sebagai pemeluk Saksi Jehovah, Michael Jackson berganti nama menjadi Mikaeel Jackson.

Menurut koran Inggris The Sun, Jacko -nama beken Jackson- mengucapkan dua kalimat syahadat di rumah sahabatnya yang juga komposer album terlaris Thriller, Steve Porcaro, di Los Angeles dan dihadiri seorang penyanyi ternama, Yosef Islam – dulunya bernama Cat Steven sebelum masuk Islam. Dalam momen religius tersebut, Jacko duduk di lantai dengan menggunakan topi kecil berwarna hitam dan dipandu seorang imam. Kabar menghebohkan datang dari si King of Pop Michael Jackson. Penyanyi yang akrab disapa Jacko itu disebut-sebut telah memeluk agama Islam.
Jacko memeluk Islam dengan mengucapkan dua kalimat syahadat di rumah temannya di Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat. Nama Jacko pun berubah menjadi Mikaeel.

"Mikaeel adalah nama salah satu malaikat dalam Islam," ujar seorang sumber. Jacko sebenarnya sempat ditawari nama Mustafa, namun ditolaknya .

Saat mengucapkan dua kalimat syahadat, Jacko duduk di lantai dengan mengenakan topi kecil. Momen tersebut berlangsung sangat khidmat.

Jacko memutuskan masuk Islam setelah ia mendengarkan pengalaman produser dan penulis albumnya. Kedua orang tersebut meyakinkan pelantun 'Ben' itu, bahwa setelah menjadi muslim hidup mereka lebih baik.

"Seorang imam pun kemudian dipanggil dari sebuah masjid untuk menuntun Micahel membaca dua kalimat syahadat," lanjut si sumber.

Raja Pop – yang sebelumnya pernah disidangkan karena dituduh melakukan tindakan asusila terhadap anak di bawah umur beberapa kali – kembali disidangkan setelah Sheikh Abdullah Bin Hamad al-Khalifa,anak kedua Raja Bahrain, mengajukan tuntutan terhadap Jackson karena telah mengingkari perjanjian untuk merekam album baru dan meminjam uang sebesar $ 7 juta.
kalangan musisi, sejumlah nama juga akhirnya mengucapkan syahadat. Mereka antara lain John Coltrane (pencipta dan saksoponis jazz), Art Blakey (musisi jazz), dan tentu saja Cat Stevens (penyanyi rock Inggris). Setelah memeluk Islam, Cat Stevens pun berganti nama jadi Yusuf Islam.

Di kalangan olahraga, yang paling banyak adalah petinju dan bintang basket. Paling terkenal tentu Muhammad Ali, mantan juara dunia yang dulu bernama Cassius Clay. Setelah itu ada pula Matthew Saad Muhammad, Dwight Muhammad Qawi, Eddie Mustapha Muhammad, Chris Eubank, dan Mike Tyson.

Tyson berganti nama jadi Malik Abdul Aziz setelah masuk Nation of Islam. Dia menjadi muslim saat berada di penjara karena keterlibatan dalam kasus pemerkosaan.

Islam pula yang menyelamatkan Tyson dari sebuah rencana pembunuhan pada tahun 2000. Saat itu, namanya sudah beredar di antara orang yang akan jadi sasaran pembunuhan kelompok Cash Money Brothers.

“Kelompok ini bahkan sudah mengintai Tyson beberapa bulan kemudian dan siap menembak. Tapi, rencana pembunuhannya urung dilaksanakan karena Tyson adalah seorang Muslim,” ujar Shelby Henderson, anggota geng tersebut dalam kesaksiannya di pengadilan federal Brooklyn, Juni lalu. dikutip Oleh http://www.suaramedia.com

Sebelum memutuskan beralih memeluk Islam, Michael Jackson ternyata telah beramal dan memberikan sumbangsih untuk dunia Islam. Dia memberikan sumbangan tak sedikit untuk pembangunan sebuah mesjid di Manama, Bahrain.

Mesjid tersebut dibangun dengan keindahan seni yang luar biasa. Mesjid itu terletak di dekat rumah Jackson yang mewah di ibukota Bahrain itu.

“Mesjid itu didesain sekaligus sebagai tempat belajar prinsip dan pelajaran Islam. Juga dibangun tempat belajar bahasa Inggris. Guru-guru dengan standar tinggi didatangkan dari Amerika Serikat di bawah supervisinya,” ujar juru bicara panitia pembangunan mesjid itu.

Pada awalnya, Jackson melakukan hal tersebut sebagai bentuk apresiasinya terhadap masyarakat Bahrain. Masyarakat setempat menyambutnya dengan baik dan memperlakukannya seakan-akan dia adalah warga negara Bahrain.

Mikaeel, begitu namanya setelah memeluk Islam, bukanlah orang pertama di keluarga besar Jackson yang berpindah agama menjadi muslim. Sebelumnya, kakaknya, Jermaine Jackson yang sudah tinggal di Bahrain, juga memeluk Islam. Info News http://www.dailymail.co.uk & (arby/suaramedia) Click Video Dikutip oleh http://www.suaramedia.com ( Visit Best Story Michael Jackson Berbaring Dalam Pelukan Islam

Video Prosesi Pemakaman Michael Jackson - Pemakaman Michael Jackson

Pemakaman Michael Jackson - Upacara pemakaman jenazah Michael Jackson akan dilaksanakan pada, Senin (7/7/09) waktu setempat. Sebelum dimakamkan akan dilakukan terlebih dahulu penghormatan terakhir terhadap King of Pop tersebut di gedung Staples Center.

Acara pemakaman Jakson menurut kabar yang beredar, diperkirakan akan disaksikan oleh 1 Miliar mata diseluruh dunia. Bahkan sebanyak 88 bioskop rencananya akan menyiarkan secara langsung prosesi pemakaman megabintang tersebut.

Di gedung Staples Center sendiri diperkirakan hanya 17000-an orang yang akan menghadiri secara langsung upacara pelepasan Jenazah Jackson, dan hal tersebut sesui dengan daya tampung maksimum gedeng itu.

Berikut adalah salah satu rekaman video oleh BBC yang sudah terposting disitus berbagi video youtube, tentang prosesi penguburan Michael Jackson.

Michael-Jackson ''Best ever Moon Walk ! ! ! ! "

Michael Jackson, one of the most widely beloved entertainers and profoundly influential artists of all time, leaves an indelible imprint on popular music and culture.

Five of Jacksons solo albums Off the Wall, Thriller, Bad, Dangerous and HIStory, all with Epic Records, a Sony Music label are among the top sellers of all time. During his extraordinary career, he sold an estimated 750 million records worldwide, released 13 No.1 singles and became one of a handful of artists to be inducted twice into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The Guinness Book of World Records recognized Jackson as the Most Successful Entertainer of All Time and Thriller as the Biggest Selling Album of All Time. Jackson won 13 Grammy Awards and received the American Music Awards Artist of the Century Award.

Michael Jackson started in the music business at the age of 11 with his brothers as a member of the Jackson 5. In the early 1980s, he defined the art form of music video with such ground breaking videos as Billie Jean, Beat It and the epic Thriller. Jacksons sound, style and dance moves inspired subsequent generations of pop, soul, R&B and hip hop artists.

Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009


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Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009

Report says Bollywood icon detained at US airport

NEW DELHI – Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan was detained for two hours for questioning at a U.S. airport before being released by immigration authorities, a news agency report said Saturday.

Khan, one of the Indian film industry's biggest stars, said he was detained because his name came up on a computer alert list at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey, Press Trust of India news agency said.

"I told them I am a movie star," Khan was quoted as saying.

The reported detention made top news on TV stations in India.

Khan said he was able to message a lawmaker in India who asked the Indian embassy in Washington to seek his release. Khan was let go after embassy officials intervened, the agency said.

In New Delhi, U.S. Ambassador to India, Timothy J. Roemer, said the U.S. Embassy was trying to "ascertain the facts of the case — to understand what took place."

"Shah Rukh Khan, the actor and global icon, is a very welcome guest in the United States. Many Americans love his films," Roemer said Saturday through an embassy spokesman.

Khan, 44, has acted in more than 70 films, and has consistently topped popularity rankings in India for the past several years. He is in the United States to promote his new film, "My Name Is Khan."

Info: Yahoo! News

Writer McQuarrie tapped for "Wolverine" sequel

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) – Christopher McQuarrie has signed on to write the script for the "Wolverine" sequel, in which Hugh Jackman will return as the Marvel Comics character, a mutant with healing powers and a skeleton laced with the indestructible metal known as adamantium.

The 20th Century Fox movie's story line will take its cue from the early 1980s Chris Claremont/Frank Miller miniseries, which is set in Japan and features Wolverine dealing with ninjas as he struggles to decide whether to follow his animal killer instincts or live under a samurai's code of honor and respect.

The studio put a sequel in development after "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" carved up almost $180 million at the domestic box office and $363 million worldwide.

The sequel's story line was hinted at in one of the movie's codas after the credits. (The other teased a spin-off based on Deadpool, the character played by Ryan Reynolds.)

McQuarrie is not unfamiliar with the character. The screenwriter, who won an Oscar for "The Usual Suspects," reteamed with that film's director, Bryan Singer, to write "X-Men." McQuarrie could have received a credit, but he voluntarily took his name off the movie when the final version was more in line with David Hayter's script than his.

(Editing by SheriLinden at Reuters)

Info: Yahoo! News and Reuters

Hollywood sees win in China WTO case as first step

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Hollywood scored a win with the World Trade Organization as it seeks inroads into China, but rampant piracy in the market means the WTO ruling is just a first step in a long slog for the U.S. entertainment industry.

The WTO said China broke international trade rules by restricting the imports of movies, music and books and other audiovisual content. The current system hinders studios, filmmakers, musicians, videogame makers and authors from marketing works at competitive prices, it said.

China has said it will evaluate the decision and had not ruled out an appeal.

Hollywood has sought for years to crack the world's third-largest economy, but has failed due to restrictions on getting films into theaters and a torrent of pirated media content, with DVDs going for $1 on most street corners.

The ruling was a landmark decision 10 years in the making, said Greg Frazier, executive vice president of the Motion Picture Association of America, representing the world's largest studios like Walt Disney Co and Time Warner Inc's Warner Bros.

But he said it was unlikely to yield quick results.

"Nothing in China is right around the corner except for pirated DVDs," Frazier said in an interview.

"This is a major change, but it will not change things overnight," said Richard Doherty, analyst with Envisioneering.

"If you want to buy a copy of 'Harry Potter' in the U.S., it's $20, but if you buy it in China, it's only $1 or $2, because so many copies there are pirated," he said.

Michael Pachter, analyst with Wedbush Morgan, said while the business atmosphere may improve, the studios may still face challenges in appealing to consumers, used to cheap DVDs.

"This is a culture that has grown very comfortable in paying for pirated media," he said.

Frazier said studios will now have the ability to distribute films more widely and more freely, whereas state-run distributors had previously taken cuts of box office receipts and charged hefty fees for movie prints and distribution.

"The studios will now have the ability to come into China and distribute," the Motion Picture Association of America executive said. "Before this, they didn't have the choice," he said.

"I know it's going to be better. This is a landmark. I can't tell you it's going to take place in the fourth, first or second quarter. But it's a positive development in one of the fastest growing theatrical markets," he said.

Most broadcasters, entertainment corporations and studios, including Time Warner and Viacom, declined comment, referring queries to the MPAA. Others, including General Electric's NBC and Disney, were unavailable for comment.


Entertainment conglomerates are typically wary of commenting on sensitive issues of intellectual property and market access involving China, where many have or plan to have projects.

Some analysts say that, despite China's size and relative economic strength during the world's downturn, the country's media market is disproportionately small.

For instance, the country's film administration estimates that a 100 million-strong movie-going public generated total box office revenue of 3.3 billion yuan ($500 million) in 2007 -- a tiny sliver of the U.S. box office take.

The low Chinese box office revenue is the result of lower ticket prices but also endemic piracy, whereby first-release films are often readily available as pirated DVDs.

But some local film executives have predicted the number of movie-goers could leap to 300 million to 500 million in five years.

In a previous ruling this year, a WTO panel said China had failed to protect and enforce intellectual property rights. Hollywood has also been complaining about this issue for many years, to little avail.

(Reporting by Sue Zeidler; Additional reporting by Paul Thomasch and Yinka Adegoke in New York; Editing by Edwin Chan, Gary Hill)

Info: Yahoo! news and reuters